Do you have an inner critic?  That voice that pops into your head to tell that you will fail, that you will look stupid, that you aren’t deserving of success?  Are you great at what you do but constantly feel like an impostor? Does your inner critic laugh and tell you that you’re going to be found out?  Do you get in your own way by self-sabotaging your attempts to make any changes in your life?  If any of this sounds familiar and you want to build incredible confidence and self-belief by creating your inner-cheerleader, then why not book a free consultation?

I help clients let go of self-sabotage and negative self-talk in order to unleash their authentic truth, value and strength. I’m so EXCITED to be able to share some of the INCREDIBLE techniques I’ve used so you too can enjoy the AMAZING results.

NE Life Coach, NE, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Change, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, inner-critic, inner-cheerleader, North East, North Tyneside, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, North Shields, Cullercoats, Tyne and Wear, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, life change, NLP, Business coaching, goals, success, performance, panic, belief, self-belief, self-confidence, presentations, sales, Sydney, Spain, Melbourne, Australia, Europe, International, world, living, life, BearWisdom, NEFollowers, Perfectionism, Fear, Failure, resilience, mindset, stress, self-belief, self-confidence, transformation, high performance,


Lou Laggan Coaching & Development

As a professional person you have so many roles to fulfil: business owner, career professional; parent; wife / husband; partner, son or daughter, mentor or friend to name a few!  It’ s a constant juggling act to keep everyone else happy and no matter how hard you try you feel like you’re failing everyone. Negative self-talk stops you from achieving the success you truly deserve; you cannot find the time to look after yourself and you’re gradually worn down until you are lost in the role of an impostor and are at the mercy of the negative thoughts from your inner critic.

Professional Coach Lou Laggan will show you how to be free of these feelings; to be able to enjoy all aspects of your life free of guilt and shame.  Lou will help you gain a freedom of heart, mind and soul that you never believed was possible.  A freedom that means you balance work and family, allowing yourself to be fully present in and enjoying each completely . A freedom that comes from a deep and confident self-belief that allows you to see your true strength and value.  A freedom that comes from turning your inner-critic into your inner-cheerleader so that you can thrive at home, at work, in life.


NE Life Coach, NE, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Change, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, inner-critic, inner-cheerleader, North East, North Tyneside, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, North Shields, Cullercoats, Tyne and Wear, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, life change, NLP, Business coaching, goals, success, performance, panic, belief, self-belief, self-confidence, presentations, sales, Sydney, Spain, Melbourne, Australia, Europe, International, world, living, life, BearWisdom, NEFollowers, Perfectionism, Fear, Failure, resilience, mindset, stress, self-belief, self-confidence, transformation, high performance,

Coaching to help you thrive at home, at work, in life.

Whatever challenges you are facing or goals you wish to
achieve, whether at work or in your personal life, coaching
can help you find the answers.



3 weeks ago

#bearwisdom I was lucky enough to meet a bearee impawtunt bear today. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

#bearwisdom Great fun choosing what to have at @denesdeli scrumptious food - shame hoomun forgot how badly she & cucumber interact hehe ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

#bearwisdom #mindset #transformation #nlp Hands up if you've ever had Road Rage! 🙋‍♀️ Be honest now!! 😁 I'm sure we've all experienced it at one time or another.Last week I was on the receiving end of a 'bat out of hell' driver. You know the type!I paused my response as I remembered the last time I drove like that. Driving like a bat out of hell without any consideration to other drivers or safety. I'd just found out my Dad had died and I was driving home.It's certainly tempered my response when I'm on the receiving end of such driving.We simply don't know what's happening in someone else's life. We never really know the reason for any given behaviour. So now, I take a different approach. I simply say "Be careful my friend, there are people who love you".It certainly helps me keep my blood pressure in check. I then began to think of other situations where our own response isn't as helpful as it could be and how I could change what I think so that I manage my emotions and minimise the impact of the perceived slight.➡️ When someone is rude to me "Cheer up friend, you'll be OK"➡️If someone lies to me "I'm sorry you felt the need to do that"➡️When someone upsets me "Thank you for helping me realise I've become dependent on your approval. Time to let that go."I've begun to notice that when something like this happens, I smile. I think one of the above comments and carry on with my day. I've found a delightful level of freedom in that. 😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

#bearwisdom chef Duffy helped me keep human on track with this one. We guarded the decorations @tourguideted @vera_and_bill ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

#bearwisdom #mindset #transformation #nlp #coaching .....and that's okay.A few simple words that create a bridge between self-judgement and self-compassion.Think of those times when your inner-critic is being over active or you are dwelling on an unhelpful thought."I'm so stressed""I cannot do this today""I didn't do much today""I wasn't productive enough today"I'm sure you can add to the list with many of your own examples too.When you have one of these thoughts, add '....and that's okay' on the end."I cannot do this today ...and that's okay""I didn't do much today ...and that's okay"We are all doing the very best we can in any given moment with the resources we have available. '...and that's okay' reminds me of this. It allows for self-compassion rather than self-judgement.When we step away from self-judgement we're able to regroup more easily and do better the next day.If we allow self-judgement to take over........... well I know you know what will happen the next day!...and that's okay........ Let me know how you get on with. ... See MoreSee Less
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