NE Life Coach Perfectionism

NE Life Coach Perfectionism

NE Life Coach Talks Perfectionism  Perfectionism is either viewed as a positive or it’s taken lightly, something we joke about being.  Yet the expectations and stress it places people under means that perfectionism is often very much misunderstood. In my last blog I...
NE Life Coach and Contentment

NE Life Coach and Contentment

NE Life Coach and Contentment What is contentment? “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”  Socrates Well the Cambridge Dictionary defines contentment as: happiness and satisfaction, often because you have...
NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life: Coach Be Happy “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”   As a coach I come across people who tell me that their goal is to ‘Be Happy’.  It has become something that they are striving for, something for them to attain and achieve.  The truth is, we all...