NE Life Coach Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach  Impact of Self-Limiting Beliefs Self-limiting beliefs are the key block to growing your business or progressing your career.  It isn’t skill, time or even money.  It’s the beliefs that you hold about yourself. Self-limiting beliefs are particularly...
NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach Lou Laggan Ponders Grumpiness Do you ever have those days when you’re just in a fettle, just plain grumpy?  You know the ones, the ‘meh’ kind of day.  Nothing goes well; you cannot fully engage with anything and you feel grumpy all the time.  We can all...
NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach and Self-Belief As a Life Coach I work with lots of clients to support them in building their Self-Belief.  Here are some tips that you may find useful. Try and accept yourself Ooh that’s obvious!  Easy!  If I could do that then I wouldn’t have a problem...
Happiness and Habits from NE LifeCoach

Happiness and Habits from NE LifeCoach

NE LifeCoach views on Happiness and Habits  Without realising it, many of us have created habits that reduce our happiness.  We end up repeating behaviours that make us miserable and then wonder why we aren’t happy.  I decided to share some of the ones that I’ve...