NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach Lou Laggan Ponders Grumpiness Do you ever have those days when you’re just in a fettle, just plain grumpy?  You know the ones, the ‘meh’ kind of day.  Nothing goes well; you cannot fully engage with anything and you feel grumpy all the time.  We can all...
NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach and Self-Belief As a Life Coach I work with lots of clients to support them in building their Self-Belief.  Here are some tips that you may find useful. Try and accept yourself Ooh that’s obvious!  Easy!  If I could do that then I wouldn’t have a problem...
Feeding Wolves from NE LifeCoach

Feeding Wolves from NE LifeCoach

Feeding Wolves from NE Life Coach As a Life Coach and Business Coach, I will often use stories in my work.  The Cherokee tale of the 2 wolves inside us is a favourite one of mine and you may well be familiar with it.  However, the ending you may be used to isn’t...