by Lou Laggan | Coaching, Mindfulness, NLP |
NE Life: Coach Be Happy “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” As a coach I come across people who tell me that their goal is to ‘Be Happy’. It has become something that they are striving for, something for them to attain and achieve. The truth is, we all...
by Lou Laggan | Coaching, NLP |
NE Life Coach and Self-Belief As a Life Coach I work with lots of clients to support them in building their Self-Belief. Here are some tips that you may find useful. Try and accept yourself Ooh that’s obvious! Easy! If I could do that then I wouldn’t have a problem...
by Lou Laggan | Coaching, Mindfulness, NLP |
Inner Conflict – View of a NE Life Coach I’ve been writing a lot about intrusive negative thoughts and the inner critic as well as the battle that can happen with them inside of us. It’s led me to wonder more about how and when that conflict begins. It...
by Lou Laggan | Coaching |
Feeding Wolves from NE Life Coach As a Life Coach and Business Coach, I will often use stories in my work. The Cherokee tale of the 2 wolves inside us is a favourite one of mine and you may well be familiar with it. However, the ending you may be used to isn’t...
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