NE Life Coach Low Mood

NE Life Coach Low Mood

NE Life Coach and Low Mood If you’re in a low mood, creating a happy mood is entirely within your control.  I’m sure you’ve heard of “Fake it til you make it” and in essence this is what you can do to your brain.  Neuroscience shows us that ethical ‘cheats’ for...
NE Life Coach Choosing a Coach

NE Life Coach Choosing a Coach

NE Life Coach on How to Choose a Life Coach The number of Life Coaches has grown exponentially over the last 10 years.  Coaching is generally forward looking and often solutions based with the focus on you.  This has meant that many now prefer it to other forms of...
What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching? I’ve been asked this a lot recently and it’s a perfectly valid question.  I thought I would take the opportunity to answer the questions in a series of blog posts because the reasons people come to see me for life coaching are many and varied....
NE Life Coach Try Laughter

NE Life Coach Try Laughter

NE Life Coach – Try Laughter This week I received notification via Meetup of a Laughter group.  Yes, you read that right, a Laughter group. “What on earth is a laughter group?” I thought.  Do you sit and tell jokes; perhaps analyse different types of laughter?...
NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach and Negative Thinking One of the key areas of my work is supporting clients in developing their self-belief.  To do this we often need to overcome a lot of negative thinking. Some of these negative thoughts are the result of many years of conditioning,...