NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach and Negative Thinking One of the key areas of my work is supporting clients in developing their self-belief.  To do this we often need to overcome a lot of negative thinking. Some of these negative thoughts are the result of many years of conditioning,...
NE Life Coach Affirmations

NE Life Coach Affirmations

NE Life Coach and Affirmations A lot of clients have been asking me about affirmations, for example, why use affirmations and how do affirmations work? Most of the day the mind is busy chattering away to itself about this and that, a continuous stream of observations...
NE Life Coach and Contentment

NE Life Coach and Contentment

NE Life Coach and Contentment What is contentment? “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”  Socrates Well the Cambridge Dictionary defines contentment as: happiness and satisfaction, often because you have...
NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life: Coach Be Happy “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”   As a coach I come across people who tell me that their goal is to ‘Be Happy’.  It has become something that they are striving for, something for them to attain and achieve.  The truth is, we all...
NE Life Coach Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach  Impact of Self-Limiting Beliefs Self-limiting beliefs are the key block to growing your business or progressing your career.  It isn’t skill, time or even money.  It’s the beliefs that you hold about yourself. Self-limiting beliefs are particularly...