Chains of Habit Are Too Light To Be Felt Until They Are Too Heavy To Be Broken
Warren Buffet
We All Need A Little Help Sometimes.
Perhaps you feel stuck and are constantly undermining your own efforts to make changes. You may be self-sabotaging because of that little voice in your head that keeps saying “You’ll just fail again”, “You never succeed”, “Here we go again, why bother? Nothing will change”.
It can feel like a constant battle with that little gremlin and some days that little gremlin feels more like a huge goblin!
Frustrating and Exhausting.
No matter how hard you try, that voice just gets louder. It may even be talking to you as you read this. “Why are you doing this? You know you’ll just fail”.

Sound familiar?
It’s not new. It’s been there as long as you can remember. So long, that you sometimes think there’s something wrong with you!
Easy for me to say, isn’t it? I’m curious, is that inner-voice speaking up now? Perhaps saying something like “What does she know? You know that’s not true!”

My inner-critic, or little gremlin, would say the most horrendous things to me. Any time I tried to create more helpful habits, any time I tried to make changes, any time I felt excited about doing something new, any time I was successful, there it was, ready to bring me down.
Yet with the aid of a skilled coach, daily accountability and a healthy level challenge I began to transform. Quickly. I couldn’t believe how quickly. Within a few days I was seeing huge changes, within a couple of weeks, other people were noticing, within a month I knew I was transforming.
Now I offer this to you.
Whatever habits you are trying to free yourself from, you CAN do it, transformation IS possible and it can happen sooner than you think.
You know it’s time, don’t you? Time to stop soldiering on alone and wondering why life never changes. I know you don’t want to let your ambitions and dreams fade away, do you?
This is my signature programme from Coaching with CAKE. Challenge, Accountability, Kindness and Energy.
Helping you release release emotional & physical weight, moving from shame, self-sabotage & self-doubt to a life of energy, self-belief & choice by developing the clarity, focus & daily habits to start living their happily ever after.
What Does a Transformation Month Involve?
- We work on an area of your life where you want to have most impact, whether it’s health, career, relationships or family.
- You are committing to a process for 1 month.
- This process begins as soon as you are accepted onto the programme.

Exploration call
A Complimentary Zoom Call to set expectations and chat through the process and establish which unhelpful habits you want to release and clarify what you want to achieve.
I’m sure you will have questions and will want to see if we’re a good fit too. As for me, I want to be sure that I’m the right person to help you and that you are prepared to fully commit to the programme and complete all the accountability tasks.
I will send you a questionnaire to complete prior to our first coaching meeting. This helps me understand where we need to focus your energy and ensures we are both fully prepared and set up for success. Depending on your answers, there may be some additional tasks to complete.
Coaching Meetings
There are 4 coaching meetings throughout the month. These generally last between 60 and 90 minutes, however, if we are in the middle of a breakthrough they may go on longer so it’s important to make sure you that you schedule a time where that will be possible.
These meetings are for the deep transformation work which may include:
- Establishing clarity on the REAL issue that’s driving your current behaviour & results and resolve it.
- Gaining freedom from the uhelpful past emotions of Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt & Guilt.
- Removing beliefs you hold that are limiting your success, such as’I’m not good enough’, ‘I don’t deserve success’.
- Clarifying what it is that you really want to achieve and set compelling goals to achieve them.
- Understanding of and connection with your values to ensure that they’re all aligned with the area we focus on.
- Developing a new and healthier relationship with your inner-critic and develop your own inner-cheerleader.
- Removing anxiety
- Identifying & interrupting unhelpful patterns that kept repeating themselves throughout your life to derail your plans.
- Resolving any internal conflicts that have been consuming your energy and undermining your decision making.
Daily Accountability
You will have tasks to complete each day to help you integrate your learning and transformations from the coaching sessions.
These need to be posted each and every day and we use WhatsApp to do this.
The nature of the tasks will depend upon the focus of our work together. These tasks are critical to your transformation.
Power Up Calls
These are shorter calls that are available to support you in between sessions.
They are available on an ad hoc basis to be used as needed. It maybe that you want to clarify something we covered in a coaching session or that something else has come up as a result of the work we’re doing together.
You can also message me via WhatsApp at any time.
Money Back Guarantee
As you can see, this is an intensive month. Given that this is a significant investment in your future, I offer you the reassurance of a Money Back Guarantee for this programme. If you complete all the tasking as requested and you haven’t noticed any changes by the end of the month, I will refund my fee. If this sounds like something you’d like to explore in detail, let’s chat so you see exactly what’s involved and get a sense of whether this feels like the right option for you.
The first step is to book in for that all important initial complimentary discussion.
At the very least, you will come away from the call with 2-3 golden nuggets that will help you move forward.